Checkup and Cleaning

Why do I need my teeth cleaned?
Having your teeth cleaned does more than just make your teeth look good. It also ensures bacteria does not have the chance to continue growing. Cleaning your teeth involves brushing and flossing your teeth every day, but coming in to a dentist at least once every six months is ideal for maintaining oral hygiene.
What is a dental checkup? Why do I need one?
Checkups are our way of examining the state of your teeth and to inform you of any concerns we may have. We will alert you of these issues, and present all the options to you. We recommend patients come in at least once every six months for a check up to ensure nothing serious is going to creep up on them. Serious issues can start cropping up below the surface, and without the expert analysis of a dentist, you will only notice once it is too late!
Why do I need a dentist to clean my teeth? Isn't brushing enough?
Cleaning your teeth at home is only half the story. Having a dentist clean your teeth is still essential for even the most vigilant brusher and flosser. There are simply some places you cannot reach, and when plaque starts building up, you know it’s about time to come in. We recommend patients to come in for dental cleaning at least once every six months to ensure that their teeth remain healthy and clean. Our tools can clean even the most difficult-to-reach areas, and remove any hardened plaque (calculus) that may have built up around your teeth since your last clean. Our dentists are also able to remove tea and coffee stains from your teeth during the cleaning process.