Here’s a quick rundown of how we organise bookings
How we do bookings
At Envisage Dental, we pride ourselves on providing the most applicable procedures for all our patients. We aim to provide enough time to each patient to ensure all their needs are met. You may have noticed that only general dental items are available for online bookings. Because dental work is very personalised, we ask new patients to book in for a consultation first. Online bookings are still available for returning patients, but to ensure we allocate enough time for your needed procedures, we still recommend contacting us over the phone or visiting one of our practices to arrange a time. We also encourage patients to choose earlier times to ensure patients are not overly spaced apart throughout the day.
We allocate 1-hour for an initial consultation with new patients. This is to give us time to do things like taking photos of your teeth, explaining the results, and ensuring that you feel comfortable with the whole process.
If your required treatment is not available in the online booking options, please select ‘Other’ to reserve your time, and contact the surgery you booked at as soon as possible.
Our online bookings are handled through Cliniko. Once you enter your information, Cliniko will send you a confirmation email. We will also send you a reminder SMS one day before your appointment to remind you. If you need to cancel your appointment, please use the Cliniko link provided in the confirmation email. We require that patients provide a minimum of 12 hours’ notice for cancelling an appointment. This is to make sure we have enough time to find someone to take your appointment slot.